Asset Protection Specialist Posted 1 year ago

| Prosper, Texas, US Full Time | Onsite


Job Descriptions

The Asset Protection Specialist is primarily responsible for preventing financial loss caused by theft and fraud and supporting safety and environmental program compliance in their assigned store/multiple stores. They utilize tools to minimize loss to the Company, including but not limited to identifying incidents of theft and fraud, reviewing CCTV and exception reports, monitoring the store’s physical security, auditing the Electronic Article Surveillance and driving a shrink elimination culture in the store. Other responsibilities include: preparing accurate and detailed case reports documenting your apprehensions and recoveries, preserving evidence, interacting with law enforcement and testifying in criminal and civil court actions. The Asset Protection Specialist must report any hazardous or unsafe condition to the Manager on Duty and carry out job responsibilities in a manner that minimizes the risk of injury to themselves, other associates, vendors, customers, and the Company. They must demonstrate integrity at all times, respond to asset protection and operational concerns of all associates and remain focused on store specific business objectives while supporting key asset protection and operational responsibilities.

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